Progress Bar

Monday, October 21, 2013

Battle of the Bulge

Not only have I been a lazy blogger (or really more like non-existent blogger) but apparently I've been pretty lazy in my real life too. I work from a home office, only move enough to chase my two 14-month old pieces of perfection around the yard/house, and quite frankly, have not been watching what I eat for months. I've been paying for Weight Watchers since I had the babies and haven't been to a meeting in nearly a year. Yep. That is my reality.

And slowly but surely I've felt my expanding waistline expand even more. So I weighed myself last week. And today I start here. I've been assured it's a place where no one is judged, people of all weights/sizes join together as a team and I am honestly hoping it's a place that can help change the way I feel about my body after babies and my eating and exercise habits.

Hoping by putting it out there I'll hold myself even more accountable and be able to write about the absolute truth of conquering the battle of being overweight.

I will let (all two of) you know how it the meantime I am going to eat my salad for lunch and pretend it's french fries. Ummm....yummy! :-)


  1. You're a beautiful Mommy and person- inside and out Kara! Miss you guys. xo.

    1. Thanks Amanda! We miss you too!! Are you headed to Chi-town at all over the holidays?

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