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Thursday, September 13, 2012


My two beautiful girls....born July 27 via scheduled c-section at 38 weeks.

Hope Antonia (left) was 5lb, 15 oz and Lindsey Rae (right) was 5lb even. I am so in love with them!!

I can't believe they are already 7 weeks old. They have been the most challenging 7 weeks of my life and also the most rewarding. The girls are smiling now and really "know their momma" now and it melts my heart every time they grin at me.

I am still feeding them breastmilk and pumping 60+ oz each day. I feel like a cow and my boobs resemble cow udders but oh well...I am going to keep it up for however long I can and go from there. Formula is looking more and more attractive from a simplicity standpoint alone so I have a feeling it's going to be in our near future.

We have a good schedule going so far and the girls are tandem in all areas (sleeping time, awake time, feedings, etc) so that has made life much easier and assisted with my sanity.  Visitors are abundant around here and we love every minute of it...and I love the extra hands that want to help feed, change and play with the girls. They are so loved by so many and it's been so special to have so many people come see us to meet our new additions.

So life is crazy in a great way and I am happier than I've ever been. I think back to a year ago this time and the tears of frustration I felt wondering if this day would ever be possible. And then to think here we are now, new parents to healthy, beautiful girls and then I catch myself fast forwarding to next year this time...with two girls on their way to being toddlers running around the house. It's hard to believe it's all happened, is happening and will continue to this space. The fun is just beginning around here!