Progress Bar

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Flab To Freaking Fab?

I haven't posted in ages. But thought I'd tell all 2 of you who read this (2 may be an exaggeration) that I am in a Flab-To-Fab challenge at my gym and down 8+ lbs in 3 weeks. As of last week I was ranked #19 out of 140-ish people....I didn't lose this week nor did I gain...but I did make it to boot camp 5 times and I am chalking it up to gaining muscle and not getting discouraged.

It's a low carb, high protein diet but def not carb free thank God. It's been awesome and an easy adjustment to be honest. If you have any low carb recipes to share please send them my way!! Sadly, wine and alcohol are OFF limits. I just keep thinking about my girls baptism over Easter, my 20 year high school class reunion in June and our family vacation in Colorado in July....cute, sassy dresses and a fun new swimsuit will be in order! Can't wait.