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Friday, July 20, 2012

T Minus 6 Days

To be honest I can't believe it's July and I can't believe in one week from today our baby girls will be here. It's still surreal, still a miracle and still so freaking exciting as it was the day I got those two little lines on that pregnancy test. OK on all of those many pregnancy tests. And when the fertility clinic confirmed it for me 2 days later the reality set in. We. Are. Going. To. Be. Parents. And soon.

My mom has been here for a week waiting on these little ladies to arrive. I was sure we'd be a part of the masses and they'd come earlier (around 36 weeks). Well, today I am 37 weeks and not dialted at all. So wait we will. These babies have an agenda of their own.

I had an ultrasound yesterday which was fun to get a last sneak peek at the girls one last time. They are so big it's hard to see much but it's still fun nonetheless. When I hear their hearts beat I tear up like I'm hearing them for the first time all over again. Their measurements were great...actually, they were beyond great. Excellent in fact. We have a set of chunky little twins we think and we couldn't be happier.

Baby A – 6 lbs, 4 oz
Baby B – 6 lbs

I asked the OB and the ultrasound tech how accurate these measurements really are. She said on average it's +- 1 lb but in their office they are within ½ lb 95% of the time. Alex and I were both big babies (he 9lb,2oz and me 9lb, 11oz) so we knew they had the genes to be biggins. And it appears they are going to be as far as twins go.

Today is my last day of work. Next week I'm taking vacation days before starting maternity leave and plan on going out to breakfast with my mom and eating whatever I want, go swimming at the gym at a time other then before or after work when it's packed, getting another pedicure even though I just got one, getting my hair cut and definitely will be hibernating for at least one full day watching Lifetime movies. I'd like to think I'll also work on their baby books, get my closet in order and do some more “productive” things but the reality is I just want to relax and do what I want. When I want. And how I want to do it. So I am looking forward to some quiet time with me, myself and I.

Here is a look at the bump at 37 weeks. I've gained a total of 37 lbs so far and I am sure that will go up between now and next Friday. My toes are like a drain that is clogged and retaining water is their #1 priority. My feet literally squish when I walk. It's so wicked!! Based on the measurement of my bump at the Dr I am measuring like a single pregnancy would measure at 42 weeks. It's big I promise...and I am not sure this picture does it justice but I cannot bring myself to post a bare belly one. I just can't do it.

Hopefully next time I'm back on here posting it'll be a family photo of the 4 of us...we shall see!!

Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

False Alarm

Today was my first false possible labor alarm...and I hope I don't have any more after today! My precious mom arrived to town last night and so we went to grab a quick lunch today and ended up at the Dr.'s office.

Here is my attempt to share what's happened without being too graphic...As it turns out, it appears my body is like an old car...leaky and somewhat run down at this point in the game. I know, lovely picture, right? Picture the old junker with a rusty bumper and operating on a spare tire...that, my friends, is apparently me these days.

As you know a car is made up of many parts and the engine must be working properly in order for the car to run successfully. So today, upon noticing some some change in my "car parts" I called the Dr (aka my mechanic) an they had me come in immediately. Luckily in the end, instead of my car leaking engine fluid, which is key to the success of the car's operation, my "car" is leaking something useless....that we can compare to A/C fluid. As you know sucks when you have no A/C, especially in this brutal summer heat we've had lately, but a low dosage of A/C fluid doesn't effect the overall operation of the car. The car can still operate successfully but the driver may be uncomfortable until it's fixed.

I must admit that when I was at the Dr.'s office I was super excited at the thought she might say "let's go ahead and have you head over to the hospital" and mentally pictured how I would come home, get everything together in my hospital bag and I'd be a mom by tonight! Unfortunately, today that wasn't the case. So I got in my real car, with my real A/C and drove home.

Now this old beat up car I am referring to is sitting around at home, waiting it out until it's time to be taken to the mechanic again. Hopefully next time they'll keep the damn car for a few days and fix it for good. :-)

And then we'll be able to come home eventually with all working parts, and two pieces of precious cargo in the backseat.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Final Countdown...

I can't believe it!!!


....left til I get to meet my precious baby girls!!!

I'll admit I am hoping to possibly meet them a little earlier than this, though I am not wishing to rush anything at the same time. At my appointment this morning they showed no signs of coming early. I am not having contractions (yet), not dilated (yet), nor is my cervix screaming "get them the hell out of here" (yet).

Statistics show most twins will come on their own between 34-37 weeks. I will be 35 weeks tomorrow and we're wondering if we'll be part of the masses? Or if we'll hang in there til the scheduled surgery. Only time will tell I guess.

Everything on the homefront is good. We're always finding a few things to get done here and there to prep for the babies but for the most part, we're done. My mom comes this Tuesday to wait it out with us and I spend any spare time I have these days swimming at our gym pool or paying homage and respect to a man named Willis Haviland Carrier. He is the brilliant man who invented the air conditioner and let's just say....I am in love with him. Now and Forever. I love him.

My feet make me hungry when I look at them because my toes resemble tater tots. My cankles are not sexy, but they are there whether I like them or not. So I choose not to care. My husband told me this morning that my stretch marks "are getting really bad" and while it bothers me that I tried so hard to avoid them, I still don't care. They are what they are. I would be willing to bet my 92-yr-old grandad could beat me getting up off the couch faster, or in/out of bed quicker. But again, I. Don't. Care.

These last few weeks will probably be the longest ever but not in a bad way. I have had the best possible pregnancy a girl could ask for and these little nuances that have crept up on me the last few weeks. Well, so be it. Bring them on. I'll take them. Ten fold. I still can't believe that I've gone from ever wondering if I could even get pregnant to expecting two little chickadees in a few short weeks.

I think after they arrive I'll have a glass of wine like this... celebrate my chunky toes, my cankles and my "really bad" stretch marks. Cause in my eyes these are not negative side effects...but instead little victories to show just how far we've come.